Loan service
Everyone with a valid registration can use our loan service. Unregistered users can study the literature of their choice only in the library. The main contact point of the library is the loan desk, which is located on the second floor right at the entrance to the library.
Reader's account
After registration user automatically gains access to their reader's account. There you can find information about current loans, loan history, extending books, request reservations for borrowed books, or create your own lists.
Log in to reader's account: Log in UČO + primary password (student or employee)
What can I borrow?
The largest part of our fund consists mainly of professional literature covering fields that can be studied at the Faculty of Education. The core consists of psychological and pedagogical topics. In addition to professional literature, you will also find fiction (Czech and foreign language), including books for children. We also collect the textbooks of primary and secondary schools as well as the scientific work of our academics.
Other documents are also available here:
- magazines and newspapers
- CDs and DVDs
- audiobooks
- teaching aids
- electronic readers
At the lending desk, we also lend charging cables for phones, headphones, and office supplies (scissors, stapler, stationery, etc.).
How do I find my book?
Books in the library can be browsed visually, but if you need to find a specific book, an electronic catalog will help you. Instructions for finding a book can be downloaded here. You can find out the availability in the library before visiting the library, we recommend that you write down the title and call number, which will tell you where the book is located within the library. Most books are freely available, so you can access them at any time. The free choice is spread over a total of four floors. You can find out information about the selected floor for a specific title in the catalog, here is an overview of the fund's classification by branch groups:
-1st floor | 1st floor | 2nd floor | 3rd floor |
B, B-D, B-M, B-P Czech fiction |
000 General (dictionaries, handbooks)1XX Philosophy, religion 2XX Psychology 3XX Pedagogy 4XX Social sciences 5XX Natural sciences 6XX Applied sciences, medicine, technology |
7XX Arts, sport, music Č8XX Linguistics, philology, Czech literature 9XX Geography, history |
800 Linguistics, Philology 82X English 83X German 84X French 85X Russian 86X-89X Other languages A, N, F 900 Georgraphy and History in English, German or French B- Foreign language fiction Daily newspapers and magazines |
Documents with call numbers DI, DII, I, III, A-U, AIII-U, S, VP are available on request.
In the catalogue, you will also find information about whether the document is available in which form (Status box):
In house loan = the publication cannot be borrowed at home, it is only available in the library. It is marked with a red dot on the shelf.
Month = the publication can be borrowed for one month.
Long-term loan = Borrowed for one month. Intended for MU graduate students, faculty and staff. If you are interested in this publication, please contact the librarian.
Outside the MU = publication is in a sub-library - see the Collection column.
Translated with DeepL
How can I borrow the book?
The book can be borrowed in two ways. The first is classically at the lending desk, which you will find on the 2nd floor. Together with the book, you will present the librarian with your identification card (ISIC, ITIC, graduate card...) and the book will be lent to you for 30 days.

The second way is self-service book rental at a facility called Selfcheck. You can find it on the 2nd and 3rd floors. You also need an identification card. However, you cannot borrow books that have an attachment or CD at Selfcheck. Working with Selfcheck is simple and intuitive.
What is the loan period?
For documents that you are allowed to borrow at home (so-called absentee loans), the loan period is 30 days. You can also extend it 5 times in a row, so you can have the book with you for up to 180 days at a time.
Certain types of documents cannot be taken away and can only be studied in the library (called an attendance loan). These include some books - these are marked with a red dot on the spine - as well as some magazines, newspapers and theses.
How much will a late return cost me?
As standard, we calculate 5 CZK per item per day.
The exception is for evening rentals. If you do not return the book by 10:00 the next day, 10 CZK/hour will be charged.
If you return books to the bibliobox, please note that we do not collect it until the following day, so you may incur a one-day fine.
A classic loan lasts 30 days. If the book is not reserved by another reader, it can be extended up to 5 times for another 30 days. In total, you can have the book for up to 180 days in a row. You can extend the loan yourself through your reader account, which you can access through the library catalogue by logging in with your User ID and primary password.
If you are unable to renew your book through your reader account, email us at or call us at 549 49 1608. Even after the fine is loaded, we can at least stop it from increasing any further.
Why am I not able to extend my loan?
There are several possibilities why the loan cannot be extended:
- The book is reserved by another reader.
- The loan period of the book has expired. It can now only be renewed by the librarian (by phone, email or in person at the library).
- You have reached the maximum number of renewals. The book must be returned and re-borrowed.
- Library registration has expired. You can renew it by phone, email or in person at the library if you are still in a relationship with MU.
- A fine has accrued on your reading account. You will see it there in the Reminders section. Once the fine is paid, you can use library services again without restriction. You can pay the fine in several ways: in person at the library or by debiting your SUPO account (you can also pay remotely); in exceptional cases, an invoice can be issued.
Readers are obliged to return books on the proper dates according to the type of loan. Loans can be returned in several ways. The standard method is to go to the circulation desk on the second floor of the library. This is also where you can settle the late return fee.
Other options are:
- Selfcheck - these self-service borrowing or returning facilities can be found on the 2nd and 3rd floors of the library. You can only return a book if you do not have a fine or are not returning books with attachments. Also, you cannot return a book reserved by another reader here.
- Bibliobox – ideally used when the library is closed. The Bibliobox is located in front of the Poříčí 31 building and can be accessed 24 hours a day. However, keep in mind that the box is always checked out around 10am, i.e. if you put a book in on the last day of the borrowing period, you may incur a fine (which you will pay on your next visit). Please do not put CDs, teaching aids or non-standard formats in the box, as they may be damaged.
- By post – in exceptional cases books can be sent by post to the Central Library, Poříčí 31a, 603 00 Brno

In case of late return, a fee of 5 CZK per item per day will be charged. In the case of borrowing a present title, there is a fee of 10 CZK per book per hour.
Loss or return of damaged books is handled individually. The amount of 50 CZK per barcode is added to the refund for the book.
How can I pay my fine?
The late return fee can ideally be paid directly at the loan desk:
- in cash
- by debiting the SUPO account
- by credit card
If you are unable to come to the library and have an active SUPO account with a cash deposit, the fee can also be deducted remotely (by emailing
How do I pay the fine if I am no longer a student?
As a last resort, if you cannot come to the library to pay the fine, an invoice may be issued. Please contact